
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Shut up about the WMDS for Christ's sake!!

No, no no!!! For the last time, we didn't go into Iraq because we thought there were WMDS. Aside from the fact that Saddam Hussein was a walking WMD, we went to Iraq to kick some symbolic Arab ass. Saddam was expendable and Iraq had an educated middle class. It was rich soil for a democracy building project. Our occupation showed other Arab Leaders that we could move right in and depose them too, any time we felt like it. As for saying that Iraq had nothing to do with 911, that's just leftist nonsense. If Muslims are anything, it's united. The Muslims from Pakistan are blowing us up over the Palestinian "cause". Since they don't differentiate between countries and one Muslim country can take offense over something that happens in another Muslim country, I don't see why we shouldn't lump them all together as well. It just kills me when Muslims have funerals for Muslim youths in France and a whole bunch of Muslims who didn't even know the dead personally, cry and moan about their great loss and treat the lectrcuted sum bitches like they were the equivalent of Rosa Parks. I call bullshit on them.


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