
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hippies are way too idealistic, dangerously so!

One day I was walking by Taco Bell. There was a car parked on the street in front of Taco Bell. There were 2 Black guys and a Black woman inside the car finishing their Taco Bell meals. As I and my co-worker neared the parked car, the occupants of the car opened the door and sleazily placed their trash onto the sidewalk. In front of us was a little hippie guy, with thick glasses, just boppin along. He sees the trash and leans into the car and says, superiorly, stupidly, "You should put your trash in the trash can!" My co-worker and I just cringed. One of the guys opens his door into the hippie, sending him flying onto the pavement. It was like a stunt in a movie, really, very well done. Then the guy gets out and proceeds to beat the hippy silly. Oh wait, he was already silly, the guy proceeded to beat some sense into him! The Black guy's girlfriend got out and tried to stop her boyfriend from beating the hippie, but he didn't quit until he was darned good and ready. Then he got back into the car and they sped off, just as disregardful of the speed limit as they were of the laws against littering. The hippie was crawling around trying to find his busted glasses and place them upon his smashed and bloodied nose, and run off to his hippie hideaway to smother his pain in cannibis. And the trash remained on the sidewalk. Earth to hippies, earth to hippies, come in hippies, inner city thugs are not like you, live it, learn it!


At 4:08 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

Maybe the hippy was reckless and stupid, and perhaps (or likely) he went to soothe his pain with cannabis, but I'm not going to defend the other guys’ behavior. They're trash and I would have liked to see them receiving the same treatment they gave the hippy.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yes, they are worse than trash, they are very bad and dangerous scum. However the hippie's refusal to understand that Black thugs are not just hippies in Black face, is what is ruining American cities. Also the refusal on the part of hippies to recognize evil and think that these people are open to reason. Law abiding Blacks have to live at the mercy of evil criminals who are used by white liberals that hate their government. The liberals live vicariously through the Black criminals, admiring Black thugs for their flouting of laws and social conventions. Of course Blacks and the poor of all races are diproportionally affected by the breakdown of society and civility, because they don't have the education to get better jobs and move to a better neighborhood. The standards of decency have been broken down by the leftists and if anarchy and littering are the result, it's their fault, not Bush's.

At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your story is pretty there something wrong with caring about the earth and our future?you should learn how to accept people.and not litter.


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