
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

My liberal co-workers get on my nerves!

I got into a fight with my liberal Jewish friend at work on Friday. We were discussing Rudy Giuliani's chance at being elected president. My co-worker is from Long Island and still flies back to NYC every year. I say that Giuliani is a law and order Republican and that he has proven that he can get elected across political lines. So of course my Liberal co-worker has to tear Giulinai down and say that although Giuliani cleaned up the streets, making for a revitalization of the cultural and public spheres of the city, he should have left the cultural institutions untouched, as this was not his area of expertise. So I say that the arts and culture are not benefited, if you can't attend an opera premiere or art event and not be able to walk back to your car or ride the subway unassaulted or unmolested. I tell my co-worker that liberals have ruined the education system in major metropolitan areas and that the students are illiterate and ignorant. I tell my co-worker that I blame him and the liberal establishment for allowing standards of decency and public behavior to deteriorate to such an extent that in order to reverse the trend, New Yorkers had to elect a Republican to clean up their city. They actually wanted a Republican to clean up the Democrats' mess, how crazy is that? Then, because the people of that city enjoyed the fruits of the Republican's labors, the citizens elected another Republican. Why, because they are afraid that some liberal mayor, combined with some liberal DA, a al Kamela Harris and Terence Hallinan here in San Francisco, would start letting criminals run the show yet again, More wilding, more subway attacks and more murders. So my co-worker has to keep hammering that Giuliani should have stuck to his areas of expertise, the mob and fighting crime, but left the rest of the city alone. So I say fine. We'll let you and your liberal elite take care of your artsty fartsy crap, that is one thing that you are good at, at least. Let the Conservatives deal with the rest of what goes on. You stay out of our business and we will stay out of yours. We won't complain about Piss Christ and you won't complain about police brutality.


At 10:24 AM , Blogger -bRad said...

You make some very interesting points. I find it interesting that liberal Jews aren't finding a friend in the republicans. Why? Well mainly because if it wasn't for the republicans fighting the terrorists in the middle East, Israel might not be Israel anymore....and isn't that their holy land?

At 12:56 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

They are such humanists that they can't get into the minds of those that want to destroy them. We have their backs though.

At 3:30 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

Speak by yourself, Miss C. I doubt I can stop complaining about Piss Christ. Maybe they should write an opera about Piss [here any other religious figure]. You know, in order to diversify creativity and arts...

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Great Lucifer, J.Doe, an opera about piss Christ, you are genius. It would play well in France and San Francisco.

At 4:17 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

Miss C, here there was a few month ago a polemic about a big bag of theater-shit. Its name was "Me cago en D***" (I have a shit on G**?). It was so bad that nobody was to watch it. But the funny is that the fucked author was the president of Autonomic Community of Madrid's brother in law; well, the president, a woman, is a conservative politician. I doubt she found it funny. It is not funny either that the theater was financed with public money.

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

The priest and author, Andrew Greeley, made a good point about Madonna when she was using Catholic symbolism in sacreligious ways. He said that she was so imbued with the symbolism that she couldn't help that it came out of her and in a way, even if she thought was using it in opposition, Catholicism was still a deep ingrained part of her, whether she liked it or not. Public monies used to fund offensive or unpopular art is a practice that should be stopped.


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