
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Poor people may be of low cognitive ability!

They have been rehashing the Clinton era Welfare to Work program. During Clinton's years many people moved from work to Welfare under his mandate(no pun intended.) It was a really good program that Clinton instituted, there I said it, so shoot me. In any case there were some who were not successful at making the leap to work. There were 2 "experts" discussing the situation on The News Hour on Tuesday. One of the experts, somewhat of a Conservative, felt that more effort should be made to help these people make a transition to work. He felt that everyone should work. Of course Liberals do not agree and seem to be very happy with a lot of people on Welfare. Why is this? It's because it gives Liberals jobs, often high paying ones. It also gives Liberals a chance to engage in their very favorite past times, feeling sorry for people and wallowing in guilt and being rescuers. Not to mention blaming Republicans for the chronic poverty of some Americans, which is always a lot of fun for Libs. So in order to defend her pets and keep her subjects, well, subject to the Liberal Welfare system and social workers in general, the woman had to make a not very Liberal admission. She had to admit that many of the people that were unable to find and keep employment and make the transition to work, had tested below normal in cognitive ability. In other words, many poor people are not very bright! Well, that about clears things up for me, how about you?


At 8:33 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

So will FEMA!

At 9:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got to be kidding.

Are you trying to say that most people on welfare ...

1. quit school
2. have no marketable skills
3. are not motivated to work from generations of welfare
4. have mutiple children in order to get MORE welfare

Basicly not employable with their current situation.

And to top it all off ... they are not very bright to boot!

At 8:23 AM , Blogger Rhino-itall said...

miss c, lets clear something up here. bj clinton didn't institute the welfare reform program. in fact he vetoed it twice!
This was part of the contract with America instituted by newt gingrich and the republican controlled congress.
the best thing bj clinton did was get out of the way.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yep Jack, that's exactly what I am thinking. Most bright women stay on Welfare for a short while and don't keep poppin out the pups.

At 8:58 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Noitall, may I call you that for short. I hate that, "oh he only instituted the policy of the other president stuff" when it is directed at the Republicans, so I never do it to Dems either. If it happened on your watch, so be it!

At 6:07 PM , Blogger James Williams said...

Liberals don't like to talk about IQ tests, except when bragging about their own, and they deny that the tests indicate anything. While they profess that they don't believe the tests indicate anything, they must acknowledge that there is a strong correlation between scores and how well people succeed in life.

At 11:31 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

James, liberals get a big red hard on for IQ tests when the test are administered to Death row inmates in their appeals. Then the IQ tests are held to be the most scientifically accurate inventions known to man.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger -bRad said...

There is a web site you might be interested in:

he's a bit of a statistician and doesn't care much for political correctness.

BTW - sorry to be absent for so long. I've been a bit busy. :-)


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