
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Big city life!

My neighbor is from a small farming town in California. If you go to these towns they are like something from the deep south. Fresno is a typical California farming town. Its been getting bigger by the year but is still a known redneck haven. The inhabitants have southern accents and are not into big city life at all. My friend is from another town farther north and even smaller than Fresno. My friend has 3 relatives who are called "Buck." One of them is her Grandma. Grandma Buck. Another is her uncle.

My neighbor successfully bridges 2 worlds as an executive secretary and is able to go back and forth between the big cities of San Francisco and New York and her little redneck town of El Dorado, with ease. She can preserve food, install a fence and copy the clothes from high fashion magazines and make them herself. My neighbor was dating a New Yorker whose father was a very rich television producer.

My friend brought her boyfriend home to meet her folks. My friend's boyfriend did not have much in common with her relatives. Her uncle Buck was trying to find common ground with him by talking about hunting. So her boyfriend said he'd didn't get much chance to hunt in NYC. Then the boyfriend asked Uncle Buck if he went into San Francisco much. Uncle Buck replied, "Never been to Frisco, been to Fresno once."


At 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fresno saounds like my kind of town.

At 10:22 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I like it too cuz its hot there!

At 3:25 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yes, Donkey parts of upstate New York are pretty rural. I hate it when the liberal news media claims all the soldiers dying in Iraq are from "New York" like it's NYC or something. Effing idiots!

At 12:36 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Donkey, Miss C was a professional belly dancer. That is how she became aquainted with the Arab peoples. I guess that makes me somewhat of an Arabist or Orientalist. They should have me on the news shows instead of Juan Cole. Anyway I like Arabs a whole hell of a lot and do not wish them to live under tyranny.


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