
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fighting fire with fire!

Miss Manners often says that you can not point out a person's rudeness without being rude yourself. Being well mannered requires accepting rudeness. Well, sometimes a rude person can be an effective tool against other rude people. The bus has become unbearable do to the incredibly stupid and rude, cell phone addicted, mental defectives that sit next to others and subject them to their inane ramblings to other brain damaged fools on the opposite end of their cell phones. The conversations go as thus. "I'm on the bus aright. I'm going through the tube, aright. Shit, shit motherfucker. I'm a grown ass man, aright. Aright. I'm a grown ass man. Shit motherfucker, shit." (we pass through the tunnel losing cell phone reception) "Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Shit, we just went through the tube aright. This shit don't work in the tube, aright. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

On Thursday, I got on the bus and sat in the back. The next stop was the busiest stop and a lot of people got on. A white lady sits in the front where elderly and handicapped people are supposed to sit. A middle aged Black lady sits next to her. The white woman pulls out her cell phone and dials up and commences to chat up an airhead storm. The Black lady, being of a particular type, that is, insane and touchy, kind of like Cynthia McKinney, turns to the white lady and screams. "Bitch, nobody wants to hear your conversation!" The white lady squeaks, " I am talking to someone on the phone." The Black lady screams, "Bitch, if you want to talk on the phone, you better get yourself a motherfucking car!" The bus driver came and calmed down the situation but the white lady put her phone away.

Although I have had a few encounters with the "mean, crazy black lady who don't take no shit off anybody" type myself, I could not help cheering. It's like the old adage about a cop never being around when you need him. When things get out of hand you think to yourself, if only there was a mean crazy Black lady around to take care of business.


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