
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Nutty and fruity professor Juan Cole had better stay out of Baghdad!

Looks like the people he so adores don't have any love for his kind. He had better stick to Baghdad by the Bay.


At 1:41 PM , Blogger gary said...

I don't know why you think Professor Cole is gay or why it matters. He is married with one son. I read his blog because he knows what he is talking about. Unlike you.

At 3:04 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

If it doesn't matter, then why are you so bent out of shape about it? The guy's as gay as it gets. As for knowing what I am talking about, I have an extensive and personal knowledge of Arabs and Persians. So forgive me for knowing that it is you who knows nothing.

At 4:21 PM , Blogger gary said...

I don't care if Professor Cole is gay or not but I am curious as to why you think he must be. Is it your extensive personal knowledge of Arabs and Persians? But Cole is neither. I think he does know quite a bit more than you about Arabs and Persians though. It is his field of professional study and he does speak fluent Arabic. What do you have against the guy anyway?

Also, you didn't answer the question I left for you on my blog.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Juan Cole is a wanna be. Of course he knows about the culture. He is unnaturally obsessed with it. It is not natural to give yourself over to an entirely different culture and avow its perfection and marvelousness with every waking breath. Why on earth they even need some European American, like Cole, to teach Islamic culture, is beyond me. They should hire a real member of an Islamic society to teach Arabic and Islamic studies.

While Islamic culture is better than some, it is not one I seek to emulate or even to have practiced around me in any extensive way. Like Cole, I was married to a Pakistani. Pakistanis are not Arabs but they are also not anything like us, it was a struggle. Surface stuff like dance and music and food is great. I am interested in that, but I am not going to devote my whole life to thinking and talking exclusively about Muslims. For one thing, they are many and varied and another, they are people, not really animals to be studied.

One should take everything such a person as Cole says with a grain of salt. Instead the left is wowed by such a weird bird as he. He is such an expert they think. Well, he is advertising. Think of him as selling you a product he thinks is great and you have doubts about. He only gives you the good side.

I grew up around whites so filled with self hatred that they wanted to be black. They would abase themselves before blacks and forgive the most vile transgressions made against them. The bleeding heart liberal whites made it harder for good blacks to live a better life as well, because they would cry racism and stymie any attempt to actually institute change in the black community. Often by claiming that everything was already great in the black community, it was just whites that needed to change. No fathers at home supporting their children, you say, well that's actually just great because in Africa its a matriarchal society. Right. Bullshit! They prevented police from making the projects safer for on law abiding poor people. they get bent out of shape if the police suggest a curfew, like 11 year old black kids should't be out on the street at 3 in the morning on a school night. But then its somehow whitey's fault when a drug dealer shoots the kid. They made so many excuses for the evil behavior of blacks around them that they became evil themselves. They enable evil to persevere and they hamper good peoples' efforts to reform a damaged society, because they refuse to admit that anything is wrong in that society in the first place.

America has had to continually adjust since its founding and it still needs improving. So does almost every Islamic country. Cole acts as if Islamic culture is so beautiful and perfect that it needs no reform. He loves the idea of a non modern Islamic culture. He will sacrifice all Muslims to keep Islam in the romantic ideal he has of it.

He is the first to make excuses and apologies whenever a cleric makes a barbaric ruling or statement. He tries to reinterpret what the Imams say to make it more palatable to the leftists. So Ayatollah Sistani will say that gays should be killed in the worst way possible and Cole, afraid that the left, being champions of gays, will hate his pets and Cole rushes in to apply damage control. He will apologise for the beating of women.

Cole is involved in a disinformation campaign. He is erotically obsessed with Islamic culture and wants you to be too. By his vary nature he is not to be trusted. If someone from Europe declared himself an expert on the US, learned English and constantly preached about our perfection and made excuses for everything the US did, you would laugh and belittle this person. And rightly so.

No society is perfect, but let me tell you as a woman who has been involved with several Muslims, I know I have it good in the US and I feel very sorry for many women in Islamic countries. I have a daughter who is half Iranian and she can not visit the country of her father without covering herself in a chador and following strict rules. There are many educated and liberal Iranians, Iraqis and Egyptians. I fail to see why you on the left do not support them. They are ideologically much closer to you than the Jihadis, so you see I begin to doubt your motives too. Maybe you are looking to keep an underage harem.

As for Cole marrying, he has only done what many gay Muslim men do. Married a woman from a country who will not ask questions of him. He is more acceptable to his favorite culture by appearing straight.

At 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a daughter?

At 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first time I saw Jaun cole on TV ... I said that guy is a faggot!

Normally I don't have anything against fags or muslims ... only the ones that are determined to shove it down my throat!


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