
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Al Qaeda is just another gang!

Osama is just like Tony Soprano with all his chicks and his ordering of hits. Muslims are not supposed to engage in criminal activity, but all cultures have criminal gangs. Muslims try to cloak their criminality in religion.

The Taliban and al Qaeda are not really engaging in Jihad at all, they are just doing what gangsters do. Selling drugs and killing people and screwing women. Guarding their turf. Osama has his harem, Tony has his strip club. Osama has his opium, Tony has his coke.

In fact every immigrant group that has come to the US has a criminal network, The Chinese and Vietnamese have their Tongs, the Italians and Irish and Russians, their Mafia. The Muslims have their terrorist organizations. They are just thugs.


At 12:03 PM , Blogger gary said...

Did you know that the Taliban drastically cut back on opium growing. Admittedly, the only good thing they did. But opium production is at record levels now. Al Qaeda may be getting a piece of that. You can be sure though that the CIA has a bigger piece of the action. But then the CIA and Al Qaeda go way back.Most of the opium, by the way, goes through Turkey, an ally of ours. But I'm sure that Tony Soprano, the CIA and Al Qaeda would agree that business is business.

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

The Taliban helped defeat the Soviets and end the cold war.

At 3:56 AM , Blogger Asrar El Banat said...

"but all cultures have criminal gangs."
Very true.
All cultures have extremists..
Terrorism has no religion.

At 7:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we have our lack of dignity!

At 7:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot Japan and the Yakuza!


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