
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

In April the leftists were talking out of their asses about the Duke faux rape case

I googled left wing bloggers and the Duke rape case and came up with some doozys. The commenters at Alas, a blog, were shooting off their stupid traps and universally agreeing that the case would "get no media attention" because it involved, "women of color." Another case of leftist predictions being the worthless garbage they always are. So, are we supposed to believe them about global warming or what?


At 9:21 AM , Blogger gary said...

Is this what passes for logic in Conservative circles. I never gave a shit about this case.

At 12:31 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yeah! You aren't worried about a miscarriage of justice when it comes to rich white boys, but you are tripping on Jose Padilla's case. He's only the guiltiest motherfucker on earth!

At 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss C,
Zontar does not understand the concept of the linear logic process as he operates by emotive thought. That type of thought process is quite typical for adolescents and adults whose brains never mature.

At 8:42 PM , Blogger gary said...

Really, you know that Jose Padilla, an American citizen, is guilt? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty and due process of law? Today in this country the government can arrest an American citizen, declare him an enemy combatant, and even torture him, without benefit of trial. If the Bush administration gets its way, at least.

I suppose you've seen the evidence in the Padilla case? Oh no, wait a moment, no one outside the government has.

At 10:40 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yeah, we have heard much of the evidence against Padilla and it's damning, while there is no evidence in the Duke "rape" case that links them to a rape. You seem to think that it's somehow "fun" for the Bush administration to keep Padilla in custody. Hardly logical.

At 12:18 PM , Blogger gary said...

You have not heard much of the evidence against Padilla. You haven't heard any of it. You seem to think that if someone is arrested he must be guilty. Hardly logical.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

About the penises, uh it's the white guys I know, like my brother, who say the girls don't have orgasms. So you can't blame the Chinese guys for this one!


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