
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What don't you understand about religious freedom?

Keith Ellison had the right to swear his oath of office on the Koran. He is a practising Muslim. The point of religious freedom is not to force everyone to abide by the Bible, people, but to let them practice their own religion. Besides, what is the point of having people, say Hindus or Buddhists, swear on a Bible. Muslims believe in the Bible, but Hindus don't. What does it mean to swear an oath on a book that means nothing to you. What if when you went to court in Utah, they made you swear on the Book of Mormon. It would mean, nothing. Swearing his oath on the Koran was actually a meaningful, and not just symbolic act for Mr Ellison.


At 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes ... Really the bible will mean nothing to him. Of course swearing on the Koran will mean nothing to him. He will do what he needs to do to furthur Islam.

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Oh Jack! He has the fear of Allah to guide him.

At 7:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They could swear their oath on the Kama Sutra if they want, but I agree with Jack, that means nothing to them. Much of them don't believe in Democracy; maybe we should create a micro-islamist-state to make them feel a bit happier...

At 9:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Minnesotan, I'm disappointed in my home state and totally disgusted by Ellison. If you're a Muslim, fine. But although this nation is secular in law, we are Christian in our heritage. I don't want to see us have our roots flushed down the toilet of vapid, worthless multiculturalism.

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

We will have to agree to disagree on this one! Obviously Miss C is a minority here.


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