
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hundreds of idiots mob Alameda County Adminstration building trying to get free money for being stripped searched by Alameda County Sheriff's Deputies

Right wing co-worker went to the courthouse the other day. His credit union is located in the courthouse. He went on the wrong day. Rumors were flying that people who had been "illegally" strip searched by the po'leece, would be getting $8,000 if they filed suit. A lot of criminals jumped at the chance of benefiting from their criminality, by stealing from the tax payers yet again.

Co-worker said the line to get into the courthouse(you have to pass through the metal detector first), stretched for miles. Hundreds of men were standing in line, bragging about how many times they'd been arrested. One of them said to another, "I been in 14 times, man!" He was thinking, I am sure, that he would be getting $8,000 for each time he'd been searched. Co-worker came back to work disgusted!


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