
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, March 30, 2007

I have no pity for the weak.

None at all. Why should I? What good does pity do? It's survival of the fittest, Baby. I won't even date a guy who's allergic to cats. I can't stand all that sniffling and sneezing. It's annoying, and far from sexy.

I once dated a guy whose face would swell up whenever I got in his car. It was the cat dander all over me. I used to have to keep a change of clothes at his house and put the clothes I wore over there in a bag. Then I had to take a shower and wash my hair. What a drip. He lasted about a minute. Too bad, cuz he was cute, and pretty good in the sack. Ultimately, he just wasn't worth all the trouble I had to go to to be with him. "Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle."

My co-worker, a Marxist hippy, used to work for a woman with MCSD. She said at one point she was sniffing the woman's mail, (that was her job, protecting the woman from assault by scent) and she said to herself, "This is bullshit, I can't do this anymore. This woman is not really sick." Then she quit.


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