
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Conservatives are missing the point about Don Imus

I have never listened to Don Imus. I have seen him once or twice on TV in a news clip or a story. He always struck me as physically repulsive in the way that Keith Richards is and Miles Davis was. They look like Egyptian mummies. I don't know anything about Imus, but it strikes me that there is no defending him from a Conservative standpoint.

Much is being said about the double standard being used in Imus' case. It is pointed out that rappers and Blacks themselves use the term "ho." Yes they do, there's no denying it. However, we Conservatives are always bent out of shape about it. We harp on it constantly. We don't think it's right to call women bitches and ho's. It's not right. Each woman must be weighed in an individual sense. It may be appropriate to say that many young American women dress like ho's. But that does not mean that they are ho's. If we make that assumption we would be acting like Islamic fundamentalists.

I have often felt pity for the prostitutes in Los Angeles, for example, because it must be hard for the hookers to stand out from the general population. When everyone dresses like a ho, it must confuse the Johns a lot. However, I did not see any evidence of such sexy and revealing attire being worn by the Rutger's ladies on, nor off, the court. Nor did they have nappy hair. Many of the players had straightened and pressed hair. There is a hair salon here in Oakland called, Oh My Nappy Hair!

I just can't defend Imus' statement. If you don't want the rappers or your own sons to use the term to describe women, then you have to condemn Imus' entirely incorrect and inappropriate use of it as well. I am not saying that he should have been fired, but that is how Capitalism works. The media is dependent on advertising dollars and answerable to the public. Imus may have to find another niche, just as the Dixie Chicks did. Or Imus can commit ritual Seppuku.


At 1:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that you wrote "Nappy Hair", not just nappy since nappy means kinky which can also mean sexually deviant, but it would be hard to have "sexually deviant hair".

At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why he apologized to Al Sharpton. He didn't say a blanket statement about all blacks the way Michael Richards did, he just insulted the basketball players. Furthermore, Sharpton is hardly as clean and pure as the wind driven snow, since he has made plenty of anti-Jew verbal faux-pas, such as "diamond merchants" and "interlopers". I don't get why blacks allow Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to speak on their behalf; whites don't allow David Duke to speak on their (our) behalf.

At 3:14 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Noah, this is not about Sharpton, it's about conservatives using Eminem as an excuse. "he does it too" is not an exceuse. If you don't like it, condemn it across the board!

Raplhie, my hair has perverted thoughts a few times a day, I swear.

At 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's perfectly acceptable to tell a black prostitute waving you down to for a BJ to tell the "nappy headed ho" ... no thank you!

I do it all the time.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

That's because your name is Jack, not Hugh Grant!

At 5:53 AM , Blogger Cooth said...

Dear Miss C,

Love your blog. I'm always entertained when I stop by.

I, too, cannot watch Imus just because he is so freaky looking. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. And the voice, with the freaky looks, well, just freaks me out.


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