
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Western environmental imperialism

Now the left has a new enemy, it is affluence, not overpopulation. The poor can have all the children they want, but they must not live a decadent western lifestyle a la Americans. The rich leftist Westerners must keep the poor third world peoples from becoming affluent, if they are to save the polar bears from extiction. Animal are always more important than humans in the leftist view.

It has always amazed me that after the end of colonialism the West found new and dastardly ways to inflict misery on the third world. Telling Africans that they can't hunt elephants for meat and sell their ivory for one thing. After the ivory ban went into effect, the African government staged a mass burning of millions of dollars worth of elephant tusks. Instead of making the elephants a marketable resource, with the acceptable loss of crops and human lives which would go along with that benefit, they destroyed the natural relationship between Africans and elephants.

The left has no understanding of the relationship of man to nature.


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