
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Racist assumptions?

We are losing our citizens to violence at a rapid rate. The soldiers in Iraq are probably safer than the residents of the San Francisco Bay Area.

On Halloween there was a murder of a 15 year old girl in a small town nearby. Friday, as I rode the bus, I was talking about the murder rate with a Black guy who is from a small town in Philadelphia. He said growing up there was like growing up in Mayberry RFD.
I call him Sparky, because he was an electrician in the Navy and he calls me Ray, for Ray Charles, because I wear sunglasses all the time. Talking about the shooting of the young lady I said, "It was a Mongolian girl. There's a small but visible population of Mongolians who have moved into the East Bay Area in the last few years."

"Really?" Sparky asked." I just assumed it was a Black girl who had been shot by other Blacks."

" You racist! I replied. "No, I said, for a change, it was Asians shooting at Asians.'


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