
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Think the gubment can help the poor?

Think again. Here's an old WPA poster.
Their "planned housing" created more juvenile delinquents.


At 12:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where DO you find this stuff?

At 1:34 PM , Blogger ricpic said...

Juvenile delinquency rates in the 1930's would be paradise, if we could only get back to them.

At 6:50 PM , Blogger staghounds said...

It was supposed to solve everything:

The Planster's Vision
Cut down that timber! Bells, too many and strong,
Pouring their music through the branches bare,
From moon-white church-towers down the windy air
Have pealed the centuries out with Evensong.
Remove those cottages, a huddled throng!
Too many babies have been born in there,
Too many coffins, bumping down the stair,
Carried the old their garden paths along.

I have a Vision of The Future, chum,
The worker's flats in fields of soya beans
Tower up like silver pencils, score on score:
And Surging Millions hear the Challenge come
From microphones in communal canteens
"No Right! No wrong! All's perfect, evermore."

John Betjeman

And here's a good piece about the French projects:


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